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trouble with for loop in Java

As i really like Programming and i like to program in my free time so i was trying to create a code in which the output would look like an x. Something like this.

x    x
 x  x
 x  x
x    x

So i wanted the user to input the height of the "x". This is the code i have so far and i really don't know how to move on. I just need a hint or if anyone can tell me where i went wrong.

import java.util.Scanner;    
    public class x{
    public static void main(String[] args){
    Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
    int height;    
    System.out.print("Enter the height of the X:   " );             
    height = kbd.nextInt();
    for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++){                        
      for (int j = 1; j <= height; j++) {                            
        if(i ==j || j+i == height + 1)                               
            System.out.print(" ");
like image 225
akif Avatar asked Apr 26 '13 17:04


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1 Answers

Two changes:

  • change System.out.println("x"); to System.out.print("x"); (remove ln after print)

  • after the two lines

        System.out.print(" ");


like image 123
Daniel S. Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Daniel S.