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Java8 Lambda expression to iterate over enum values and initialize final member

I have a static enum like this:

private static enum standardAttributes {
    id, gender, firstname, lastname, mail, mobile

I need all the values as String. Therefore I have a method like this:

public static List<String> getStandardRecipientsAttributes() {
    List<String> standardAttributesList = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (standardAttributes s : standardAttributes.values())

    return standardAttributesList;

There is no need to create the same List everytime this method is called. So I created a static member:

static final List<String> standardAttributesList;
static {
    standardAttributesList = getStandardRecipientsAttributes();

This is all fine, but I wonder if there is a fancy Lambda expression to replace the method. Something like this:

Arrays.asList(standardAttributes.values()).forEach((attribute) -> standardAttributesList.add(attribute.toString()));

Two questions:

  1. Can I avoid the Arrays.asList wrapper?
  2. How can I handle the compiler error: The blank final field standardAttributesList may not have been initialized?
like image 428
s.meissner Avatar asked Mar 25 '15 09:03


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1 Answers

You can do

static final List<String> standardAttributesList = 

This will create a Stream from an the array of values, apply the .name() method to each one and finally collect all the results into a List.

like image 114
Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10

Peter Lawrey