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Java syntax of +

Why is the following syntax correct:

x = y+++y;

Where it means y++ + y or y + ++y which means y * 2 + 1 (not sure about this, though: very ambiguous)

But this syntax is incorrect:

x = y+++++y;

Which should mean y++ + ++y, which means y * 2 + 2

Is there a reason for the incorrectness of this syntax? (Edit: thank you for explaining why it is invalid syntax, but that is not my intention with this question.)

(Edit: ofcourse I'm not using this in real code, purely in interest of parsers/lexers; but I wonder why the parser doesn't like this; the last example even looks less ambiguous than the first one.)


    int i = 0;
    int j = (i = 3)+++i;

Is invalid too, though it seems very unambiguous to me, (i = 3) is a value, thus (value + value) and then the ++i value token.)

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Pindatjuh Avatar asked Apr 12 '10 17:04


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2 Answers

The parsing is greedy, that is , it looks for the longest matching token first. This simplify the implementations a lot (presumably). Also the Java language spec(3.2) says

Java always uses the longest possible translation at each step, even if the result does not ultimately make a correct Java program, while another lexical translation would

So, for y+++++y; the parser/tokenizer will break it down something like this:

  • variable y
  • operator ++ (as there is no +++ operator, ++ is the longest that match the syntax of java)
  • operator ++ (as there is no +++ operator, ++ is the longest that match the syntax of java)
  • operator + (This was the first thing that matches the syntax now)
  • variable y

Effectively it is parsed as (y++) (++) (+y) the ++ operator is defined for a variable, however the first expression (y++) returns a value. You can't apply the next operator (++) to a value.

This means that x = y+++y; would be parsed as y++ + y, which is nothing wrong with.

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nos Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09


In short, because of the order in which Java expressions are evaluated, the parser thinks you're trying to use the ++ operator on an expression, which is illegal.

I think that this:

x = y+++++y;

is getting parsed as something like this:

x = ((y++)++) + y);

or something like this:

x = (y + (++(++y)));

I'll assume that this is just an academic question and that you're not actually trying to use code like that in the real world. Not spacing operators well only leads to pain and suffering.

The Java language spec lists all the rules for evaluating expressions here.

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Syntactic Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09
