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Get the string value from List<String> through loop for display




I'm confused about on how to use this array in a way that is simple. Well I already passed the values from the JSON into a List and now I need to retrieve it using a loop (and just loop) but I don't know how. Tried reading some answers but I found myself really confused in the end. I just want it to be simple as making a String array, loop and fetch data by getting the variable[index] simple as that but all the answers I've found just lead me into confusion. Help please.

like image 974
KaHeL Avatar asked Jul 16 '12 10:07


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1 Answers

As I understand your question..

From Java List class you have to methods add(E e) and get(int position).

add(E e)

Appends the specified element to the end of this list (optional operation).

get(int index)

Returns the element at the specified position in this list.


List<String> myString = new ArrayList<String>();

// How you add your data in string list
myString.add("Test 1");
myString.add("Test 2");
myString.add("Test 3");
myString.add("Test 4");

// retrieving data from string list array in for loop
for (int i=0;i < myString.size();i++)
  Log.i("Value of element "+i,myString.get(i));

But efficient way to iterate thru loop

for (String value : myString)
  Log.i("Value of element ",value);
like image 156
user370305 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
