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Java - super keyword in new thread Runnable - refers non static method thru class

In all the super keyword tutorials I found online, it's hard to get any examples closer to following one. My question:

  1. What's the difference between Tracker.super.track(event); and test.parent.Tracker.track(event); ?

  2. Why would the first work?

  3. What does Tracker.super refers to? A object or a class?


package test;

public class Tracker extends test.parent.Tracker {

  public void track(final Event event) {
    Executor.execute(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Tracker.super.track(event);  //this works!! why??
            super.track(event); // compile error: cannot resolve
            test.parent.Tracker.track(event);  //compile error: can only reference static method


super class

package test.parent;

public abstract class Tracker {

public void track(Event event) {}


Reference Updates:

In jls8, 15.11.2

"Suppose that a field access expression T.super.f appears within class C, and the immediate superclass of the class denoted by T is a class whose fully qualified name is S. If f in S is accessible from C, then T.super.f is treated as if it had been the expression this.f in the body of class S. Otherwise, a compile-time error occurs.

Thus, T.super.f can access the field f that is accessible in class S, even if that field is hidden by a declaration of a field f in class T.

It is a compile-time error if the current class is not an inner class of class T or T itself."

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Weishi Z Avatar asked Jul 14 '16 23:07

Weishi Z

People also ask

Can we use super keyword in static method in Java?

Where the "super" keyword in Java is used as a reference to the object of the superclass. This implies that to use "super" the method should be invoked by an object, which static methods are not. Therefore, you cannot use the "super" keyword from a static method.

Can we use super for static?

super is used to refer super-class's instance as well as static members. super is also used to invoke super-class's method or constructor.

What is the role of super keyword in Java?

Definition and Usage The super keyword refers to superclass (parent) objects. It is used to call superclass methods, and to access the superclass constructor. The most common use of the super keyword is to eliminate the confusion between superclasses and subclasses that have methods with the same name.

Can we call super class static method in subclass?

Yes, you can call the methods of the superclass from static methods of the subclass (using the object of subclass or the object of the superclass).

1 Answers

Your run() method is in an anonymous subclass of Runnable where it is also an inner class of Tracker.

Effectively the same as

package test;

public class Tracker extends test.parent.Tracker {

  public void track(final Event event) {
    //anonymous class translated into local class
    class TrackerRunnable implements Runnable {
      public void run(){
        Tracker.super.track(event);  //this works!! why??
        super.track(event); // compile error: cannot resolve
        test.parent.Tracker.track(event);  //compile error: can only reference static method

    Executor.execute(new TrackerRunnable()); 

In Java an inner class also has a reference to the outer class that it "belongs" to. You would reference this for TrackerRunnable as this inside of run, but if you need to access the instance of Tracker that the TrackerRunnable is associated with you would access it as Tracker.this. Same thing with Tracker.super. Just super means the superclass of TrackerRunnable not Tracker (in this case Runnable).

The main thing to note is that this is syntax that is used for scope resolution only in inner classes, and that the Tracker here refers to "The instance of the Tracker class that I belong to". In the case of test.parent.Tracker.track Tracker refers to "the Tracker class", so you can't call instance members on the class itself.

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Darren Clark Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Darren Clark