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Java : set a Component on top of another





I am writing a program in java. I have a main JPanel that has two JPanel and one Canvas added on it. I aim to resize the Canvas while running the program. When I maximized the Canvas i want it to be always on top of the other component.
How can I set this property for my Canvas?

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sajad Avatar asked Feb 23 '11 21:02


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1 Answers

You could replace your main JPanel with a JLayeredPanel. A layered panel will let you specify that some child components should be layered above other child components.


    JLayeredPane pane = new JLayeredPane();

    JLabel ontop = new JLabel("On top");
    JLabel behind = new JLabel("Behind");

    pane.add(ontop, 2, 0);
    pane.add(behind, 1, 0);
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sstendal Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
