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Java - RichFaces - RTL

I'm looking for Java "Faces" that supports RTL (Right To Left) user interfaces. The only library that I've checked so far is RichFaces. It seems that it doesn't support it natively.

What is a good resource that talks about this issue?

What other "Faces" can be recommend that natively support RTL user interfaces?

like image 651
ghazal Avatar asked Dec 29 '22 17:12


2 Answers

RichFaces components support the dir attribute.

like image 179
Zack Marrapese Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 06:01

Zack Marrapese

The JSF standard components already do it since ages. They just supports all of the HTML attribues, including the dir attribute, which you can set to "rtl". I would be surprised if any of the 3rd party component libraries didn't inherit it.

like image 21
BalusC Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 06:01
