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Java or scala Library to parse latex or MathML string [closed]

I need to store a lot of equation and mathematical formula into database for my simulation experimentations, and i think it's better to use some mathML or latex string... but ...

I make some googling request, and i'm very surprised because i don't find any eval library in java or scala to transform string latex or string mathML expression into equation in java / scala. I don't want to eval() very complex equation with solver, my objective is "really" to store and transform simple equation (polynomial, linear) into scala/java language.

Do you have some advice to help me understand if there are other solution to store and parse easily equation or mathematic formula after string evaluation in java or scala language ?

Update 1 :

Finally i find some java library which read et eval() string formula ... If you find anything, i can complete this list with your proposal.

Without parsing of MathML/Latex :

  • http://www.singularsys.com/jep/ (not open-source)

  • https://github.com/darius/expr (open-source, young library ?)

  • http://jeval.sourceforge.net/ (open-source, very old release)

  • http://projects.congrace.de/exp4j/index.html (open-source, last release 2011, maven repository, developped by @fas)

  • https://github.com/MarkyVasconcelos/Towel/wiki/Expression (open-source, developped by @marcos-vasconcelos)

  • math expression parser from my Symja project => cf this post on stackOverflow (Java Math(s) Parsing API)

With experimental Parsing of MathML

  • jscl-meditor - depository on github Java symbolic computing library and mathematical editor (open-source, last release 2011, great front end and editor, mathML input/output (see tutorial here), great possibilities: polynomial system solving, vectors & matrices, factorization, derivatives, integrals (rational functions), boolean algebra, simplification, java code generation, geometric algebra)

  • JScience looks like it has some experimental support for MathML being introduced. (cf these post : Parsing mathml document using JScience and MathML and Java)

    Class here : http://jscience.org/experimental/javadoc/org/w3c/dom/mathml/package-tree.html


like image 449
reyman64 Avatar asked Mar 26 '12 21:03


1 Answers

If you want something as sophisticated as I think you are asking for, the only thing that comes to mind that's Java-ecosystem compatible is Clojuratica, and even then you'd have to store the formulae in Mathematica format. (And have a copy of Mathematica.)

like image 143
Rex Kerr Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10

Rex Kerr