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Java instanceof with changing objects

I need a method where i could pass on a parameter which i assume would be a Class (not sure though) and in that method, instanceof would be used to check if x is an instance of the passed Class.

How should i do that? I tried a few things but none worked.

like image 739
Nicolas Martel Avatar asked Oct 07 '12 04:10

Nicolas Martel

2 Answers

How about this:

public boolean checker(Object obj) {
    return obj instanceof SomeClass;

or if SomeClass needs to be a parameter:

public boolean checker(Object obj, Class someClass) {
    return someClass.isInstance(obj);

or if you want the instance to be someClass and NOT an instance of a subclass of someClass:

public boolean checker(Object obj, Class someClass) {
    return someClass.equals(obj.getClass());
like image 158
Stephen C Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 23:11

Stephen C

Use Class.isInstance(Object).

like image 42
nneonneo Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 00:11
