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Java Hibernate createSQLQuery using addEntity




I need to apply a SQL Query similiar to this.

    id as id,
    c03 as c03,
    c34 as c34 
        c34 in(
            ?, ?,?,?
    order by
        id desc) o 
group by

And My Java code.

private final void retrieveStudents(){
    final List result = currentSession()
            .createSQLQuery("SELECT id as id,c03 as c03,c34 as c34 FROM (SELECT id,c34,c03 FROM students where c34 in(:filters) order by id desc) o group by c34;")

The query is Just OK. Returns a array of objets which i can iterate but i would like to return a Student object so i add.


But a error is throw which says

Column 'ACTIVE' not found.

Also i have try with .addScalar but the same thing happens.


Which is a column from Student but is not on the projection my question how can i do that i just thought that applying in some way the alias would Hibernate populate the student entity.

All i want is a Student object with id,c03,c34 values populate.

What i am doing wrong is that possible?

like image 770
chiperortiz Avatar asked Jan 17 '17 11:01


1 Answers

For this use case, you don't want hibernate to treat Student as an entity, but as a DTO.

For this, do not use the addEntity method, but the setResultTransfomer :

final List result = currentSession()
        .createSQLQuery("SELECT id as id,c03 as c03,c34 as c34 " + 
                         "FROM (SELECT id,c34,c03 FROM students " + 
                               "where c34 in(:filters) " + 
                               "order by id desc) o group by c34")

This is working for non entity classes, provided the class has setters that match the names of the projected columns, and there is a no-arg constructor. I never tested this on an entity class.

If you do not have setters, but a constructor for those 3 fields, you can use :

// choose here the right constructor
java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor = Student.class.getConstructors()...
// ...
.setResultTransformer(new AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer(constructor));


EDIT : I would not use an entity as a DTO (but create a specific DTO for this use case) : what if one of your service think the entity was loaded the regular way (so is fully initialized), do some modifications on it (update a field for example), and save the entity ?

In the best case, a not-nullable field (on db side) will not have been initialized, and you'll get a ConstraintViolationException and trigger a rollback, keeping your data safe.

In the worst case, you'll be corrupting your data by setting to null all the fields of the entity but the three loaded ones.

like image 100
Thierry Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10
