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Code coverage in maven build - Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing classes directory

I am able to get code coverage working fine if I have a single project but now I have a multi module project.

My application is built in the api project and all my integration tests are running in a separate project which uses the artefact built as previous module.

The build runs but I dont get a code coverage report, instead I get the info message:

Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing classes directory

My coverage report file jacoco-it.exec is created but it seems like the jacoco plugin requires the classes in the project the tests are running in.

Can somebody tell me what I need to do to be able to create a coverage report when the classes are in another module?

like image 833
berimbolo Avatar asked May 24 '16 10:05


1 Answers

Even though jacoco:report-aggregate was meant for aggregation report on the dependencies, it did not work in my case - I use project structure like:

└─ module-api   ⇦ API definition
└─ module-spec  ⇦ module with black box tests through the API
└─ module-impl1 ⇦ implementation 1 of the API
└─ module-impl2 ⇦ another implementation of the API
└─ module-test1 ⇦ some dependencies + impl1, apply the tests from spec
└─ module-test2 ⇦ some dependencies + impl2, apply the tests from spec

In this case report-aggregate generated an empty report. The module-test1 and module-test2 projects are with POM packaging type, which is not suitable to run report on them too, as it requires classes in the target/classes directory.

My solution

I configured the jacoco plugin to dump the classes it instruments in the in the project's target/classes directory by adding: <classDumpDir>${project.build.outputDirectory}</classDumpDir>

This allowed the regular report goal to work. The complete code is:


Please note that the instrumented classes are from all dependencies, so some filtering would be needed to narrow the report scope. See: https://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/prepare-agent-mojo.html

like image 84
Rusi Popov Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 07:09

Rusi Popov