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Java generics enforce same type for keys and values of map


What I am looking for:

I'm looking to construct something that enforces type on both the keys and values of a map: kind of like Map<Key<X>, Value<X>>. However, I would additionally like to enforce that types match within each key/value entry, but between entries, no type must should be enforced.

For example, within the same map, these key/value pairs should be considered valid:

  • Key<Integer> maps to Value<Integer>
  • Key<String> maps to Value<String>
  • Key<Double> maps to Value<Double>

However, something like this would be invalid:

  • Key<Integer> mapping to Value<String>
  • Key<Double> mapping to Value<Boolean>

How can I accomplish this using Java generics?

What I'm not looking for:

  • I understand that I can implement something like Set<Pair>, where pair accepts Key/Value of the same type. However, looking this up by key would no longer be a constant time operation.

  • I understand that I could do something like Map<Key<?>, Value<?>> and just assert that the Key and Value are the same type at runtime. However, I was wondering if this is possible strictly using generics.

like image 810
Jon Newmuis Avatar asked Aug 09 '13 22:08

Jon Newmuis

People also ask

Can HashMap use generic types?

The term generic simply is the idea of allowing the type (Integer, Double, String, etc. or any user-defined type) to be the parameter to methods, class, or interface. For eg, all the inbuilt collections in java like ArrayList, HashSet, HashMap, etc. use generics.

Can generics take multiple type parameters?

Multiple parametersYou can also use more than one type parameter in generics in Java, you just need to pass specify another type parameter in the angle brackets separated by comma.

Can map have multiple values for same key?

You cannot have same key added in a Map with different values. Keys are always unique, the time you add another key with same value, the older gets overridden.

Are Keys unique in map Java?

HashMap is a collection to store (key,value) pairs and According to the documentation of HashMap the keys are always unique. If you add a key which already exists(collision) in the hashmap, the old value will be replaced.

1 Answers

You can do this, but you have to roll your own wrapper on top of a Map:

class MyTypeSafeMap {   private Map<Key<?>, Value<?>> map;   public <T> void put(Key<T> key, Value<T> value) {     map.put(key, value);    }    public <T> Value<T> get(Key<T> key) {     return (Value) map.get(key);      // we know it's safe, but the compiler can't prove it   } } 

Compare e.g. Guava's ClassToInstanceMap.

like image 98
Louis Wasserman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

Louis Wasserman