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What's the correct way to document a jQuery parameter type with JSDoc?


I'm trying to document my program with the JSDoc syntax for myself and the people that will have to look at my code. I'm also trying to improve my skills.

For a parameter of the jQuery type, I'm a little puzzled. I know that's an object, but it's fairly common in my program, so I think I should first declare a typedef for the jQuery type, then use it as my parameter type. So I ask, would it be the correct way to do it?

/**  * DOM object referenced by jQuery  * @typedef {jQuery} $jQueryDomObject  */  /** * SOAP call that does ... * * @param {string} code Some desc ... * @param {callback} fnctVa Some desc ... * @param {$jQueryDomObject} $attrib Input field that ... */ myfunction = function (code, fnctVa, $attrib) {}; 

I also found on SO this question, somewhat similar:
How can I get JSDoc to mark my param as a jQuery object?

like image 519
Jean-Philippe Martin Avatar asked Nov 27 '13 20:11

Jean-Philippe Martin

People also ask

What is the Jsdoc keyword to specify an argument to a function?

The @param tag provides the name, type, and description of a function parameter. The @param tag requires you to specify the name of the parameter you are documenting.

What is $$ in jQuery?

$ sign is just a valid javascript identifier which is used as an alias for jQuery. Prototype, jQuery, and most javascript libraries use the $ as the primary base object (or function). Most of them also have a way to relinquish the $ so that it can be used with another library that uses it.

1 Answers

For a parameter that is a jQuery object, I often just do:

@param {jQuery} foo 

And do not further define what jQuery is. It is known well enough. However, if you want, you can do this with jsdoc 3:

/**  * jQuery object  * @external jQuery  * @see {@link http://api.jquery.com/jQuery/}  */  /**  * SOAP call that does ...  *  * @param {string} code Some desc ...  * @param {callback} fnctVa Some desc ...  * @param {external:jQuery} $attrib Input field that ...  */ var myfunction = function (code, fnctVa, $attrib) {}; 
like image 101
Louis Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
