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Java FX: Detected [iscc.exe] version 0 but version 5 is required. Bundler EXE Installer skipped because of a configuration problem

I build a Java FX application, and now trying to convert into execution file.exe But tried to build it shows the following error in bold. But I have installed Inno Setup 6 software and also set the environment path. But still, error persists.

No base JDK. Package will use system JRE.
No base JDK. Package will use system JRE.
Detected [iscc.exe] version 0 but version 5 is required.
Bundler EXE Installer skipped because of a configuration problem: Can not find Inno Setup Compiler (iscc.exe).  
Advice to fix:   Download Inno Setup 5 or later from http://www.jrsoftware.org and add it to the PATH.
No base JDK. Package will use system JRE.
No base JDK. Package will use system JRE.
Detected [iscc.exe] version 0 but version 5 is required.
Bundler EXE Installer skipped because of a configuration problem: Can not find Inno Setup Compiler (iscc.exe).  
Advice to fix:   Download Inno Setup 5 or later from http://www.jrsoftware.org and add it to the PATH.


<target name="-post-jfx-deploy">
    <fx:deploy width="${javafx.run.width}" height="${javafx.run.height}"
               outdir="${basedir}/${dist.dir}" outfile="${application.title}">
        <fx:application name="${application.title}" mainClass="${javafx.main.class}"/>
            <fx:fileset dir="${basedir}/${dist.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
            <fx:fileset dir="dist" includes="lib/*.jar"/>
        <fx:info title="${application.title}" vendor="${application.vendor}"/>
like image 597
S Mugunthan kumar Avatar asked May 30 '19 11:05

S Mugunthan kumar

2 Answers

Java FX looks for pattern Inno Setup (\\d+.?\\d*) in iscc /? output.

While Inno Setup 5 prints this:

Inno Setup 5 Command-Line Compiler

Inno Setup 6 before 6.0.3 omitted the version number:

Inno Setup Command-Line Compiler

That's why you get

Detected [iscc.exe] version 0 but version 5 is required.

Make sure you have the latest version of Inno Setup 6, as this got "fixed" in 6.0.3.

like image 55
Martin Prikryl Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

Martin Prikryl

I used a Hex-Editor to change the output of iscc.exe. It now prints:

Inno Setup 6 mmand-Line Compiler

This is matching the pattern and the compiler runs fine

like image 33
Section11 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
