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Java executors: wait for task termination. [duplicate]

I need to submit a number of task and then wait for them until all results are available. Each of them adds a String to a Vector(that is synchronized by default). Then I need to start a new task for each result in the Vector but I need to do this only when all the previous tasks have stopped doing their job.

I want to use Java Executor, in particular I tried using Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100) in order to use a fixed number of thread (I have a variable number of task that can be 10 or 500) but I'm new with executors and I don't know how to wait for task termination. This is something like a pseudocode of what my program needs to do:

ExecutorService e = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100);

/*do something*/

<start task>

<wait for all task termination>

for each String in result{
<start task>

<wait for all task termination>

I can't do a e.shutdown because I'm in a while(true) and I need to reuse the executorService...

Can you help me? Can you suggest me a guide/book about java executors?

like image 966
Raffo Avatar asked Aug 24 '09 12:08


2 Answers

The ExecutorService gives you a mechanism to execute multiple tasks simultaneously and get a collection of Future objects back (representing the asynchronous computation of the task).

Collection<Callable<?>> tasks = new LinkedList<Callable<?>>();
//populate tasks
for (Future<?> f : executorService.invokeAll(tasks)) { //invokeAll() blocks until ALL tasks submitted to executor complete

If you have Runnables instead of Callables, you can easily turn a Runnable into a Callable<Object> using the method:

Callable<?> c = Executors.callable(runnable);
like image 147
oxbow_lakes Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10


Rather than submitting Runnables or Callables to an Executor directly and storing the corresponding Future return values I'd recommend using a CompletionService implementation to retrieve each Future when it completes. This approach decouples the production of tasks from the consumption of completed tasks, allowing for example new tasks to originate on a producer thread over a period of time.

Collection<Callable<Result>> workItems = ...
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
CompletionService<Result> compService = new ExecutorCompletionService<Result>(executor);

// Add work items to Executor.
for (Callable<Result> workItem : workItems) {

// Consume results as they complete (this would typically occur on a different thread).
for (int i=0; i<workItems.size(); ++i) {
  Future<Result> fut = compService.take(); // Will block until a result is available.
  Result result = fut.get(); // Extract result; this will not block.
like image 37
Adamski Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10
