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Java exception handling idioms ... who's right and how to handle it?




I currently have a technical point of difference with an acquaintance. In a nutshell, it's the difference between these two basic styles of Java exception handling:

Option 1 (mine):

try {
} catch (OneKindOfException) {
} catch (AnotherKind) {
} catch (AThirdKind) {

Option 2 (his):

try {
} catch (AppException e) {
    switch(e.getCode()) {
    case Constants.ONE_KIND:
    case Constants.ANOTHER_KIND:
    case Constants.A_THIRD_KIND:

His argument -- after I used copious links about user input validation, exception handling, assertions and contracts, etc. to back up my point of view -- boiled down to this:

"It’s a good model. I've used it since me and a friend of mine came up with it in 1998, almost 10 years ago. Take another look and you'll see that the compromises we made to the academic arguments make a lot of sense."

Does anyone have a knock-down argument for why Option 1 is the way to go?

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Steven Huwig Avatar asked Mar 04 '09 05:03

Steven Huwig

1 Answers

When you have a switch statement, you're less object oriented. There are also more opportunities for mistakes, forgetting a "break;" statement, forgetting to add a case for an Exception if you add a new Exception that is thrown.

I also find your way of doing it to be MUCH more readable, and it's the standard idiom that all developers will immediately understand.

For my taste, the amount of boiler plate to do your acquaintance's method, the amount of code that has nothing to do with actually handling the Exceptions, is unacceptable. The more boilerplate code there is around your actual program logic, the harder the code is to read and to maintain. And using an uncommon idiom makes code more difficult to understand.

But the deal breaker, as I said above, is that when you modify the called method so that it throws an additional Exception, you will automatically know you have to modify your code because it will fail to compile. However, if you use your acquaintance's method and you modify the called method to throw a new variety of AppException, your code will not know there is anything different about this new variety and your code may silently fail by going down an inappropriate error-handling leg. This is assuming that you actually remembered to put in a default so at least it's handled and not silently ignored.

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Eddie Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10
