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Better Java method Syntax? Return early or late? [duplicate]

Duplicate: Should a function have only one return statement?

Often times you might have a method that checks numerous conditions and returns a status (lets say boolean for now). Is it better to define a flag, set it during the method, and return it at the end :

boolean validate(DomainObject o) {
  boolean valid = false;
  if (o.property == x) {
     valid = true;
  } else if (o.property2 == y) {
     valid = true;
  } ...
  return valid; 

or is it better/more correct to simply return once you know the method's outcome?

boolean validate(DomainObject o) {

  if (o.property == x) {
     return true;
  } else if (o.property2 == y) {
     return true;
  } ...
  return false; 

Now obviously there could be try/catch blocks and all other kinds of conditions, but I think the concept is clear. Opinions?

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Gandalf Avatar asked May 19 '09 18:05


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Is it good to have multiple return statements?

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What is early return in Java?

R eturn early is the way of writing functions or methods so that the expected positive result is returned at the end of the function and the rest of the code terminates the execution (by returning or throwing an exception) when conditions are not met.

Can you have two return statements in a method Java?

You can return only one value in Java. If needed you can return multiple values using array or an object.

2 Answers

If it's a method you'll be calling thousands of times, then early return is better to achieve a [slightly] increased performance.

If not, then I'd prefer late return, since it improves readability.

Remember programmers usually spend more time reading than writing code, so anything you can do to improve readability will be certainly welcome.

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Seb Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09


I prefer returning early and avoiding deep nesting. This is particularly true right at the start of the method: test anything that's simple, and get out (or throw an exception) if you can do so really early.

If it's right in the middle of a method, it's more of a judgement call.

Note that I'd refactor your example straight away to use a single if:

boolean validate(DomainObject o) {    
  if (o.property == x || o.property2 == y) {
     return true;
  } ...
  return false; 

I realise this was only a toy example, but my point is that it's always worth looking for more ways to simplify your code :)

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Jon Skeet