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Java Eclipse debugging shortcuts in "Editing Java Source"

I like to use shortcuts while debugging my java applications in eclipse. The keys F5,F6,F7 and F8 only work in debugging perspective. So I tried to copy all keys (Preference -> General -> Keys) with the "Copy Command" button and make them work when "Editing Java Source". I hit "Apply" button, but still doesn't work.

How do I make the keys (F5,F6,F7 and F8) work in java perspective? Thank you!

Best regards,


Edit: I use Eclipse Indigo Service Release 1

like image 751
kon Avatar asked Jan 23 '12 12:01


1 Answers

From this old bug 13513:

To get the "F" buttons to work, you currently have to enable the debug action set.

Window->Customize Perspective->Action Sets->Debug.

So you shouldn't need to copy key preferences around, just to activate Debug commands in your current perspective.

like image 180
VonC Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 22:10
