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Use Ada code in Android

Is there any possibility to use old Ada code in Android?

I have an old script written in Ada and it would be great if I could just use that code in Android directly (via NDK or JNI etc). Is this possible? Or should I rather port the code?

Here are some links I found but I don't really understand in what extend they answer my question:





Added: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.ada/browse_thread/thread/4cb1f8d1c17d39a8?pli=1

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caw Avatar asked Jan 09 '12 21:01


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1 Answers

I think it unlikely that you could just compile the code with some particular cross-compiler, drop it on an Android, and have it work, unless it was perhaps some kind of toy program.

That said, DragonLace provides GNAT AUX, a FreeBSD-hosted port of the GNAT Ada compiler for Android.

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Marc C Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10

Marc C