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Java and skipping a level with super [duplicate]



Possible Duplicate:
Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java?

If you have a class that derives from a class that derives from another is there anyway for me to call the super.super method and not the overridden one?

class A{
    public void some(){}

class B extends A{
    public void some(){}

class C extends B{
    public void some(){I want to call A.some();}
like image 742
arinte Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 21:02


2 Answers

See: Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java?

like image 59
Todd Gamblin Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 22:03

Todd Gamblin

@tgamblin is right but here is a workaround :

class A{
    public void some(){ sharedCode() }
    public final void someFromSuper(){ sharedCode() }

    private void sharedCode() { //code in A.some() }

class B extends A{
    public void some(){}

class C extends B{
    public void some(){
     //I want to call A.some();

Create a second version of your method in A that is final (not overridable) and call it from C.

This is actually a poor design, but sometimes needed and used inside JDK itself.

Regards, Stéphane

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Snicolas Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 22:03
