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Java 8 times faster with arrays than std::vector in C++. What did I do wrong?

I have the following Java code with several big arrays which never change their size. It runs in 1100 ms on my computer.

I implemented the same code in C++ and used std::vector.

The time of the C++ implementation which runs the exact same code is 8800 ms on my computer. What did I do wrong, so that it runs this slowly?

Basically the code does the following:

for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; ++i) {         h[i] =  h[i] + 1;         floodedCells[i] =  !floodedCells[i];         floodedCellsTimeInterval[i] =  !floodedCellsTimeInterval[i];         qInflow[i] =  qInflow[i] + 1; } 

It iterates through different arrays with a size of around 20000.

You can find both implementations under the following links:

  • Java: https://ideone.com/R8KqjT
  • C++: https://ideone.com/Lu7RpE

(On ideone I could only run the loop 400 times instead of 2000 times because of the time limitation. But even here there is a difference of three times)

like image 350
RobinXSI Avatar asked Apr 15 '15 17:04


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Is std :: array faster than vector?

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1 Answers

Yep, the cache in the c++ version takes a hammering. It seems the JIT is better equipped to handle this.

If you change the outer for in isUpdateNeeded() to shorter snippets. The difference goes away.

The sample below produces a 4x speedup.

void isUpdateNeeded() {     for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; ++i) {         h[i] =  h[i] + 1;         floodedCells[i] =  !floodedCells[i];         floodedCellsTimeInterval[i] =  !floodedCellsTimeInterval[i];         qInflow[i] =  qInflow[i] + 1;         qStartTime[i] =  qStartTime[i] + 1;         qEndTime[i] =  qEndTime[i] + 1;     }      for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; ++i) {         lowerFloorCells[i] =  lowerFloorCells[i] + 1;         cellLocationX[i] =  cellLocationX[i] + 1;         cellLocationY[i] =  cellLocationY[i] + 1;         cellLocationZ[i] =  cellLocationZ[i] + 1;         levelOfCell[i] =  levelOfCell[i] + 1;         valueOfCellIds[i] =  valueOfCellIds[i] + 1;         h0[i] =  h0[i] + 1;         vU[i] =  vU[i] + 1;         vV[i] =  vV[i] + 1;         vUh[i] =  vUh[i] + 1;         vVh[i] =  vVh[i] + 1;     }     for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; ++i) {         vUh0[i] =  vUh0[i] + 1;         vVh0[i] =  vVh0[i] + 1;         ghh[i] =  ghh[i] + 1;         sfx[i] =  sfx[i] + 1;         sfy[i] =  sfy[i] + 1;         qIn[i] =  qIn[i] + 1;         for(int j = 0; j < nEdges; ++j) {             neighborIds[i * nEdges + j] = neighborIds[i * nEdges + j] + 1;         }         for(int j = 0; j < nEdges; ++j) {             typeInterface[i * nEdges + j] = typeInterface[i * nEdges + j] + 1;         }     }  } 

This shows to a reasonable degree that cache misses are the reason for the slowdown. It is also important to note that the variables are not dependent so a threaded solution is easily created.

Order restored

As per stefans comment I tried grouping them in a struct using the original sizes. This removes the immediate cache pressure in a similar fashion. The result is that the c++ (CCFLAG -O3) version is about 15% faster than the java version.

Varning neither short nor pretty.

#include <vector> #include <cmath> #include <iostream>       class FloodIsolation {     struct item{       char floodedCells;       char floodedCellsTimeInterval;       double valueOfCellIds;       double h;       double h0;       double vU;       double vV;       double vUh;       double vVh;       double vUh0;       double vVh0;       double sfx;       double sfy;       double qInflow;       double qStartTime;       double qEndTime;       double qIn;       double nx;       double ny;       double ghh;       double floorLevels;       int lowerFloorCells;       char flagInterface;       char floorCompletelyFilled;       double cellLocationX;       double cellLocationY;       double cellLocationZ;       int levelOfCell;     };     struct inner_item{       int typeInterface;       int neighborIds;     };      std::vector<inner_item> inner_data;     std::vector<item> data;  public:     FloodIsolation() :             numberOfCells(20000), inner_data(numberOfCells * nEdges), data(numberOfCells)    {      }     ~FloodIsolation(){     }       void isUpdateNeeded() {         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; ++i) {             data[i].h = data[i].h + 1;             data[i].floodedCells = !data[i].floodedCells;             data[i].floodedCellsTimeInterval = !data[i].floodedCellsTimeInterval;             data[i].qInflow = data[i].qInflow + 1;             data[i].qStartTime = data[i].qStartTime + 1;             data[i].qEndTime = data[i].qEndTime + 1;             data[i].lowerFloorCells = data[i].lowerFloorCells + 1;             data[i].cellLocationX = data[i].cellLocationX + 1;             data[i].cellLocationY = data[i].cellLocationY + 1;             data[i].cellLocationZ = data[i].cellLocationZ + 1;             data[i].levelOfCell = data[i].levelOfCell + 1;             data[i].valueOfCellIds = data[i].valueOfCellIds + 1;             data[i].h0 = data[i].h0 + 1;             data[i].vU = data[i].vU + 1;             data[i].vV = data[i].vV + 1;             data[i].vUh = data[i].vUh + 1;             data[i].vVh = data[i].vVh + 1;             data[i].vUh0 = data[i].vUh0 + 1;             data[i].vVh0 = data[i].vVh0 + 1;             data[i].ghh = data[i].ghh + 1;             data[i].sfx = data[i].sfx + 1;             data[i].sfy = data[i].sfy + 1;             data[i].qIn = data[i].qIn + 1;             for(int j = 0; j < nEdges; ++j) {                 inner_data[i * nEdges + j].neighborIds = inner_data[i * nEdges + j].neighborIds + 1;                 inner_data[i * nEdges + j].typeInterface = inner_data[i * nEdges + j].typeInterface + 1;             }         }       }       static const int nEdges; private:       const int numberOfCells;  };   const int FloodIsolation::nEdges = 6;  int main() {     FloodIsolation isolation;     clock_t start = clock();     for (int i = 0; i < 4400; ++i) {         if(i % 100 == 0) {             std::cout << i << "\n";         }         isolation.isUpdateNeeded();     }      clock_t stop = clock();     std::cout << "Time: " << difftime(stop, start) / 1000 << "\n"; }                                                                                

My result differs slightly from Jerry Coffins for the original sizes. For me the differences remains. It might well be my java version, 1.7.0_75.

like image 184
Captain Giraffe Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Captain Giraffe