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Java 8 streams - How do I manipulate value in a group by result?

I have a list of objects with two String fields like

Name1, Active
Name2, InActive
Name3, InActive
Name4, Active

And I would like to have a

Map<Boolean, List<String>>

where Active=true and InActive=false.

I tried

active = dualFields.stream().collect(
           x -> StringUtils.equals(x.getPropertyValue(), "Active")));

But I received

Map<Boolean, List<DualField>>
like image 913
Bick Avatar asked Oct 02 '17 10:10


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2 Answers

First of all, you can use partitioningBy, which is a special case of groupingBy (where you are grouping by a Predicate into two groups). You can map the objects to the required Strings with mapping.

I'm assuming you want the List<String> to contain the values of the second property (i.e. not getPropertyValue(), which contains "Active" or "InActive"):

Map<Boolean,List<String>> map =
              .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(x -> StringUtils.equals(x.getPropertyValue(), "Active"),
like image 129
Eran Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


If you want your List<String> to be composed of propertyValue, than:

active = dualFields.stream().collect(
            x -> StringUtils.equals(x.getPropertyValue(), "Active"),
            Collectors.mapping(DualField::getPropertyValue, Collectors.toList());
like image 32
Eugene Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
