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Java 7 WatchService - Ignoring multiple occurrences of the same event

The javadoc for StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY says:

Directory entry modified. When a directory is registered for this event then the WatchKey is queued when it is observed that an entry in the directory has been modified. The event count for this event is 1 or greater.

When you edit the content of a file through an editor, it'll modify both date (or other metadata) and content. You therefore get two ENTRY_MODIFY events, but each will have a count of 1 (at least that's what I'm seeing).

I'm trying to monitor a configuration file (servers.cfg previously registered with the WatchService) that is manually updated (ie. through command line vi) with the following code:

while(true) {
    watchKey = watchService.take(); // blocks

    for (WatchEvent<?> event : watchKey.pollEvents()) {
        WatchEvent<Path> watchEvent = (WatchEvent<Path>) event;
        WatchEvent.Kind<Path> kind = watchEvent.kind();

        System.out.println(watchEvent.context() + ", count: "+ watchEvent.count() + ", event: "+ watchEvent.kind());
        // prints (loop on the while twice)
        // servers.cfg, count: 1, event: ENTRY_MODIFY
        // servers.cfg, count: 1, event: ENTRY_MODIFY

        switch(kind.name()) {
            case "ENTRY_MODIFY":
                handleModify(watchEvent.context()); // reload configuration class
            case "ENTRY_DELETE":
                handleDelete(watchEvent.context()); // do something else


Since you get two ENTRY_MODIFY events, the above would reload the configuration twice when only once is needed. Is there any way to ignore all but one of these, assuming there could be more than one such event?

If the WatchService API has such a utility so much the better. (I kind of don't want to check times between each event. All the handler methods in my code are synchronous.

The same thing occurs if you create (copy/paste) a file from one directory to the watched directory. How can you combine both of those into one event?

like image 379
Sotirios Delimanolis Avatar asked May 27 '13 17:05

Sotirios Delimanolis

5 Answers

WatcherServices reports events twice because the underlying file is updated twice. Once for the content and once for the file modified time. These events happen within a short time span. To solve this, sleep between the poll() or take() calls and the key.pollEvents() call. For example:

@SuppressWarnings( "SleepWhileInLoop" )
public void run() {
  setListening( true );

  while( isListening() ) {
    try {
      final WatchKey key = getWatchService().take();
      final Path path = get( key );

      // Prevent receiving two separate ENTRY_MODIFY events: file modified
      // and timestamp updated. Instead, receive one ENTRY_MODIFY event
      // with two counts.
      Thread.sleep( 50 );

      for( final WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents() ) {
        final Path changed = path.resolve( (Path)event.context() );

        if( event.kind() == ENTRY_MODIFY && isListening( changed ) ) {
          System.out.println( "Changed: " + changed );

      if( !key.reset() ) {
        ignore( path );
    } catch( IOException | InterruptedException ex ) {
      // Stop eavesdropping.
      setListening( false );

Calling sleep() helps eliminate the double calls. The delay might have to be as high as three seconds.

like image 181
2 revs, 2 users 90% Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11

2 revs, 2 users 90%

I had a similar issue - I am using the WatchService API to keep directories in sync, but observed that in many cases, updates were being performed twice. I seem to have resolved the issue by checking the timestamp on the files - this seems to screen out the second copy operation. (At least in windows 7 - I can't be sure if it will work correctly in other operation systems)

Maybe you could use something similar? Store the timestamp from the file and reload only when the timestamp is updated?

like image 42
tofarr Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 19:11


One of my goto solutions for problems like this is to simply queue up the unique event resources and delay processing for an acceptable amount of time. In this case I maintain a Set<String> that contains every file name derived from each event that arrives. Using a Set<> ensures that duplicates don't get added and, therefore, will only be processed once (per delay period).

Each time an interesting event arrives I add the file name to the Set<> and restart my delay timer. When things settle down and the delay period elapses, I proceed to processing the files.

The addFileToProcess() and processFiles() methods are 'synchronized' to ensure that no ConcurrentModificationExceptions are thrown.

This simplified/standalone example is a derivative of Oracle's WatchDir.java:

import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE;
import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE;
import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY;
import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.OVERFLOW;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor;
import java.nio.file.WatchEvent;
import java.nio.file.WatchKey;
import java.nio.file.WatchService;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

public class DirectoryWatcherService implements Runnable {
    static <T> WatchEvent<T> cast(WatchEvent<?> event) {
        return (WatchEvent<T>)event;

     * Wait this long after an event before processing the files.
    private final int DELAY = 500;

     * Use a SET to prevent duplicates from being added when multiple events on the 
     * same file arrive in quick succession.
    HashSet<String> filesToReload = new HashSet<String>();

     * Keep a map that will be used to resolve WatchKeys to the parent directory
     * so that we can resolve the full path to an event file. 
    private final Map<WatchKey,Path> keys;

    Timer processDelayTimer = null;

    private volatile Thread server;

    private boolean trace = false;

    private WatchService watcher = null;

    public DirectoryWatcherService(Path dir, boolean recursive) 
        throws IOException {
        this.watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
        this.keys = new HashMap<WatchKey,Path>();

        if (recursive) {
        } else {

        // enable trace after initial registration
        this.trace = true;

    private synchronized void addFileToProcess(String filename) {
        boolean alreadyAdded = filesToReload.add(filename) == false;
        System.out.println("Queuing file for processing: " 
            + filename + (alreadyAdded?"(already queued)":""));
        if (processDelayTimer != null) {
        processDelayTimer = new Timer();
        processDelayTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() {

            public void run() {
        }, DELAY);

    private synchronized void processFiles() {
         * Iterate over the set of file to be processed
        for (Iterator<String> it = filesToReload.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            String filename = it.next();

             * Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do...
            System.out.println("Processing file: " + filename);

             * Remove this file from the set.

     * Register the given directory with the WatchService
    private void register(Path dir) throws IOException {
        WatchKey key = dir.register(watcher, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY);
        if (trace) {
            Path prev = keys.get(key);
            if (prev == null) {
                System.out.format("register: %s\n", dir);
            } else {
                if (!dir.equals(prev)) {
                    System.out.format("update: %s -> %s\n", prev, dir);
        keys.put(key, dir);

     * Register the given directory, and all its sub-directories, with the
     * WatchService.
    private void registerAll(final Path start) throws IOException {
        // register directory and sub-directories
        Files.walkFileTree(start, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
            public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
                throws IOException
                if (dir.getFileName().toString().startsWith(".")) {
                    return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

                return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    public void run() {
        Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();

        while (server == thisThread) {
            try {
                // wait for key to be signaled
                WatchKey key;
                try {
                    key = watcher.take();
                } catch (InterruptedException x) {

                Path dir = keys.get(key);
                if (dir == null) {

                for (WatchEvent<?> event: key.pollEvents()) {
                    WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind();

                    if (kind == OVERFLOW) {

                    if (kind == ENTRY_MODIFY) {

                        WatchEvent<Path> ev = (WatchEvent<Path>)event;
                        Path name = ev.context();
                        Path child = dir.resolve(name);

                        String filename = child.toAbsolutePath().toString();


            } catch (Exception e) {

    public void start() {
        server = new Thread(this);
        server.setName("Directory Watcher Service");

    public void stop() {
        Thread moribund = server;
        server = null;
        if (moribund != null) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args==null || args.length == 0) {
            System.err.println("You need to provide a path to watch!");

        Path p = Paths.get(args[0]);
        if (!Files.isDirectory(p)) {
            System.err.println(p + " is not a directory!");

        DirectoryWatcherService watcherService;
        try {
            watcherService = new DirectoryWatcherService(p, true);
        } catch (IOException e) {

like image 35
Kevin Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 21:11


I modified WatchDir.java to receive only human-made modifications. Comparing .lastModified() of a file.

long lastModi=0; //above for loop
    System.out.format("%s: %s\n", event.kind().name(), child);
}else if(kind==ENTRY_MODIFY){
    if(child.toFile().lastModified() - lastModi > 1000){
        System.out.format("%s: %s\n", event.kind().name(), child);
}else if(kind==ENTRY_DELETE){
    System.out.format("%s: %s\n", event.kind().name(), child);
like image 42
Nilesh Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11


Here is a full implementation using timestamps to avoid firing multiple events:

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import static java.nio.file.LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS;
import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.*;

public abstract class DirectoryWatcher
    private WatchService watcher;
    private Map<WatchKey, Path> keys;
    private Map<Path, Long> fileTimeStamps;
    private boolean recursive;
    private boolean trace = true;

    private static <T> WatchEvent<T> cast(WatchEvent<?> event)
        return (WatchEvent<T>) event;

     * Register the given directory with the WatchService
    private void register(Path directory) throws IOException
        WatchKey watchKey = directory.register(watcher, ENTRY_MODIFY, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE);


        if (trace)
            Path existingFilePath = keys.get(watchKey);
            if (existingFilePath == null)
                System.out.format("register: %s\n", directory);
            } else
                if (!directory.equals(existingFilePath))
                    System.out.format("update: %s -> %s\n", existingFilePath, directory);

        keys.put(watchKey, directory);

    private void addFileTimeStamps(Path directory)
        File[] files = directory.toFile().listFiles();
        if (files != null)
            for (File file : files)
                if (file.isFile())
                    fileTimeStamps.put(file.toPath(), file.lastModified());

     * Register the given directory, and all its sub-directories, with the
     * WatchService.
    private void registerAll(Path directory) throws IOException
        Files.walkFileTree(directory, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>()
            public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path currentDirectory, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
                    throws IOException
                return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

     * Creates a WatchService and registers the given directory
    DirectoryWatcher(Path directory, boolean recursive) throws IOException
        this.watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
        this.keys = new HashMap<>();
        fileTimeStamps = new HashMap<>();
        this.recursive = recursive;

        if (recursive)
            System.out.format("Scanning %s ...\n", directory);
        } else

        // enable trace after initial registration
        this.trace = true;

     * Process all events for keys queued to the watcher
    void processEvents() throws InterruptedException, IOException
        while (true)
            WatchKey key = watcher.take();

            Path dir = keys.get(key);
            if (dir == null)
                System.err.println("WatchKey not recognized!!");

            for (WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents())
                WatchEvent.Kind watchEventKind = event.kind();

                // TBD - provide example of how OVERFLOW event is handled
                if (watchEventKind == OVERFLOW)

                // Context for directory entry event is the file name of entry
                WatchEvent<Path> watchEvent = cast(event);
                Path fileName = watchEvent.context();
                Path filePath = dir.resolve(fileName);

                long oldFileModifiedTimeStamp = fileTimeStamps.get(filePath);
                long newFileModifiedTimeStamp = filePath.toFile().lastModified();
                if (newFileModifiedTimeStamp > oldFileModifiedTimeStamp)
                    fileTimeStamps.put(filePath, filePath.toFile().lastModified());

                if (recursive && watchEventKind == ENTRY_CREATE)
                    if (Files.isDirectory(filePath, NOFOLLOW_LINKS))


            boolean valid = key.reset();

            if (!valid)

                if (keys.isEmpty())

    public abstract void onEventOccurred();

Extend the class and implement the onEventOccurred() method.

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BullyWiiPlaza Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 19:11
