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Is there anything like an Internal class in Java?

In C# you can mark a class as internal so that it is only accessible from within the same package. Is there anything similar in Java?

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Svish Avatar asked May 12 '11 16:05


People also ask

What is internal in Java?

In Java, just like methods, variables of a class too can have another class as its member. Writing a class within another is allowed in Java. The class written within is called the nested class, and the class that holds the inner class is called the outer class.

What is internal class?

The internal keyword is an access modifier for types and type members. We can declare a class as internal or its member as internal. Internal members are accessible only within files in the same assembly (. dll). In other words, access is limited exclusively to classes defined within the current project assembly.

Can a class be private in Java?

No, we cannot declare a top-level class as private or protected. It can be either public or default (no modifier).

How do you create a private class in Java?

We can't assign private to outer class and interface. The best use of private keyword is to create a fully encapsulated class in Java by making all the data members of that class private. If we make any class constructor private, we cannot create the instance of that class from outside the class.

1 Answers

You can create package-private classes by omitting the security modifier (public, private) from the class's declaration.

package com.sample;  class MyPackagePrivateClass {     ... } 
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Bryan Kyle Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09

Bryan Kyle