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Jasmine calls.length and callCount are undefined

I'm trying to test my chrome extension with Jasmine but I'm having trouble getting calls.length and callCount to behave as expected. Both cases return undefined.

I've included a sample of the code and the spec. Here's the rest of the code if it helps: https://github.com/DruRly/kamikaze/tree/closeIdleTab

How to reproduce:

  • git clone https://github.com/DruRly/kamikaze/tree/closeIdleTab
  • cd kamikaze
  • open SpecRunner.html


describe("kamikaze", function() {   describe("closeIdleTabs", function(){     it("calls closeIdleTab for each tab received", function(){       spyOn(kamikaze, 'closeIdleTab');        kamikaze.closeIdleTabs([1,2,3]);       expect(kamikaze.closeIdleTab.calls.length).toBe(3);     })   }) }) 


kamikaze = {   ...    closeIdleTabs: function(tabs){     tabs.forEach(function(tab){       test.closeIdleTab(tab);     })   },    closeIdleTab: function(tab){     if(tabTimeStamps[tab.id]){       var secondsSinceUpdated = getSecondsSinceUpdated(tab.id)       if(secondsSinceUpdated > (minutesUntilIdle * 60)){         chrome.tabs.remove(tab.id)       }     }   },    ... } 
like image 580
Dru Avatar asked Jan 07 '14 13:01


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1 Answers

The Jasmine APIs have changed a bit in the 2.x version "series".
According to the latest docs you should use the count() method:


I also tried that with your code and all tests pass successfully.

like image 50
gkalpak Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
