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How do I build a JSON file with webpack?

I'd like to assemble a manifest.json file, as used by Chrome extensions, in a "smarter," programmatic sort of way. I'm using npm for my dependency resolution, and its package.json includes some shared fields with the manifest.json file, including "name," "description," and "version."

Is there a way to define something like a partial manifest.json file which includes all the Chrome-specific stuff, but fill in shared values where appropriate? I've found that this is pretty straightforward in Gulp:

var gulp = require('gulp'); var fs = require('fs'); var jeditor = require('gulp-json-editor');  gulp.task('manifest', function() {     var pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json'));     gulp.src('./manifest.json')       .pipe(jeditor({         'name': pkg.name,         'description': pkg.description,         'version': pkg.version,         'author': pkg.author,         'homepage_url': pkg.homepage,       }))       .pipe(gulp.dest("./dist")); }); 

Even if there's some npm package out there designed for this purpose, can someone explain to me how something like this might be done generally? I know Webpack 2 has a built-in json loader, but I'm not clear how it would be used in a case like this.

like image 577
user108471 Avatar asked May 28 '17 21:05


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Webpack is used to compile JavaScript modules. Once installed, you can interact with webpack either from its CLI or API. If you're still new to webpack, please read through the core concepts and this comparison to learn why you might use it over the other tools that are out in the community.

1 Answers

There is actually a more elegant solution than the one by @user108471 (although it is inspired by it), and that is to use the copy-webpack-plugin. With its transform ability, you can add the desired values to the manifest.json on the fly before copying it to its destination.

It has two advantages:

  • it doesn't generate an extra unnecessary manifest.js-bundle (@bronson's solution also fixes this)
  • you don't need to require the manifest.json in some other .js-file (which would seem semantically backwards to me)

A minimal setup could be this:


// you can just require .json, saves the 'fs'-hassle let package = require('./package.json');  function modify(buffer) {    // copy-webpack-plugin passes a buffer    var manifest = JSON.parse(buffer.toString());     // make any modifications you like, such as    manifest.version = package.version;     // pretty print to JSON with two spaces    manifest_JSON = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2);    return manifest_JSON; }   module.exports = {     // ...     plugins: [       new CopyWebpackPlugin([          {             from: "./src/manifest.json",             to:   "./dist/manifest.json",             transform (content, path) {                 return modify(content)             }          }])    ]  } 
like image 169
Rens Baardman Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Rens Baardman