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iTunesconnect App Preview Error

I'm trying to upload an app preview video to my itunesconnect account, but i'm receiving the following error...

"This video has audio that is not two-channel, no-surround stereo"

As far as I can tell, there is not specific documentation discussing how to deal with this is issue, so any extra insight on this would be very helpful.

like image 806
user5208470 Avatar asked Mar 30 '16 05:03


1 Answers

In my case I had created the video in iMovie and (intentionally) did not include any audio. To resolve the issue, I imported a silent audio track, added it to the timeline, decreased its volume to 0% just to be sure, then I shared the App Preview again. Uploading this file worked just fine. Seems the videos have to have audio included.

like image 175
Jordan H Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 01:09

Jordan H