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iterating through a list in python


I have a list of sequences l (many 1000's of sequences): l = [ABCD,AABA,...]. I also have a file f with many 4 letter sequences (around a million of them). I want to choose the closest string in l for every sequence in f up to a Hamming distance of atmost 2, and update the counter good_count. I wrote the following code for this but it is very slow. I was wondering if it can be done faster.

def hamming(s1, s2):
    if len(s1) != len(s2):
            raise ValueError("Undefined for sequences of unequal length")  
    return sum(ch1 != ch2 for ch1, ch2 in zip(s1, s2))

f = open("input.txt","r")

l = [ABCD,AABA,...]

good_count = 0
for s in f:
     x = f.readline()
     dist_array = []
     for ll in l:
        dist = hamming(x,ll)
     min_dist = min(dist_array)
     if min_dist <= 2:
        good_count += 1
print good_count

It works fast if l and f are small but takes too long for large l and f. Please suggest a quicker solution.

like image 695
Ssank Avatar asked Jan 17 '17 20:01


People also ask

How do I iterate through a list in Python?

You can loop through the list items by using a while loop. Use the len() function to determine the length of the list, then start at 0 and loop your way through the list items by referring to their indexes. Remember to increase the index by 1 after each iteration.

How do you iterate through a list without a loop in Python?

Looping without a for loopGet an iterator from the given iterable. Repeatedly get the next item from the iterator. Execute the body of the for loop if we successfully got the next item. Stop our loop if we got a StopIteration exception while getting the next item.

2 Answers

Use existing libraries, for instance jellyfish:

from jellyfish import hamming_distance

Which gives you a C implementation of the hamming distance.

like image 52
Zeugma Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09


Oh, you're just counting how MANY have matches with a hamming distance < 2? That can be done much quicker.

total_count = 0

for line in f:
    # skip the s = f.readline() since that's what `line` is in this
    line = line.strip()  # just in case
    for ll in l:
        if hamming(line, ll) <= 2:
            total_count += 1
            break  # skip the rest of the ll in l loop
    # and then you don't need any processing afterwards either.

Note that most of your code time will be spent on the line:

        if hamming(line, ll) <= 2:

So any way you can improve that algorithm will GREATLY improve your overall script speed. Boud's answer extols the virtues of jellyfish's hamming_distance function, but without any personal experience I can't recommend it myself. However his advice to use a faster implementation of hamming distance is sound!

Peter DeGlopper suggests blowing the l list into six different sets of "Two or less hamming distance" matches. That is, a group of sets that contain all the possible pairs that could have two or less hamming distance. This might look like:

# hamming_sets is [ {AB??}, {A?C?}, {A??D}, {?BC?}, {?B?D}, {??CD} ]
hamming_sets = [ set(), set(), set(), set(), set(), set() ]

for ll in l:
    # this should take the lion's share of time in your program
    hamming_sets[0].add(l[0] + l[1])
    hamming_sets[0].add(l[0] + l[2])
    hamming_sets[0].add(l[0] + l[3])
    hamming_sets[0].add(l[1] + l[2])
    hamming_sets[0].add(l[1] + l[3])
    hamming_sets[0].add(l[2] + l[3])

total_count = 0

for line in f:
    # and this should be fast, even if `f` is large
    line = line.strip()
    if line[0]+line[1] in hamming_sets[0] or \
       line[0]+line[2] in hamming_sets[1] or \
       line[0]+line[3] in hamming_sets[2] or \
       line[1]+line[2] in hamming_sets[3] or \
       line[1]+line[3] in hamming_sets[4] or \
       line[2]+line[3] in hamming_sets[5]:
        total_count += 1

You could possibly gain readability by making hamming_sets a dictionary of transform_function: set_of_results key value pairs.

hamming_sets = {lambda s: s[0]+s[1]: set(),
                lambda s: s[0]+s[2]: set(),
                lambda s: s[0]+s[3]: set(),
                lambda s: s[1]+s[2]: set(),
                lambda s: s[1]+s[3]: set(),
                lambda s: s[2]+s[3]: set()}

for func, set_ in hamming_sets.items():
    for ll in l:

total_count = 0

for line in f:
    line = line.strip()
    if any(func(line) in set_ for func, set_ in hamming_sets.items()):
        total_count += 1
like image 41
Adam Smith Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09

Adam Smith