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How to install aparapi


I have been looking to a way to develop openCL in Java. I found aparapi interesting as it focusses on parallelization but creates openCL code as well. As I understand it the code will run with or without a GPU but still run parallized. My trouble is: where can I find documentation on how to install what? The AMD site was often pointed at, but it contains no information about aparapi, I wondered as well whether their code will work on Nvidia cards. The links to Google code is obsolete and the Github site is neither very helpful. A pointer to some more documentation is very much appreciated.

As an aside: I noticed in Github that the aparapi pulse is not overwhelming. Is it wise to start with aparapi? I thought I had better stay from openCL itself because it seemed too low level to me. But maybe somebody can argument how I could make a better founded decision (LWJGL?).

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Arnold Avatar asked Jan 19 '17 10:01


1 Answers

Note: I'm the current lead of the Aparapi project. If you use the version of Aparapi in maven central, no need to install anything. Assuming you have any implementation of OpenCL installed then everything is installed that needs to be. Aparapi pulls in dependencies through maven and even the dll/so file for your platform and loads it automatically.

Full instructions found here: http://aparapi.com/introduction/getting-started.html

The actively maintained project for aparapi can be found on github here: https://github.com/Syncleus/Aparapi

Or some information and documentation on the website here: http://aparapi.com

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Jeffrey Phillips Freeman Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09

Jeffrey Phillips Freeman