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Iterate over each row in matrix Octave



How do I iterate over each row in Z where Z is a 2 * m matrix:


How do I access each Z(i)(j) inside this loop?

For example:

for i = z
  fprintf('Iterating over row: '+ i);
  disp (i:1);
  disp (i:2);

Would output:

Iterating over row: 1
Iterating over row: 2
Iterating over row: 3
like image 267
Dan Kanze Avatar asked Sep 28 '14 17:09

Dan Kanze

People also ask

How do you make a loop in Octave?

In general, the syntax of a for loop is for variable = vector statements end where variable is the loop index, vector is a vector of some desired length containing the numbers to step through, and statements are the commands you'd like Octave to execute at each iteration.

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defines the set of values ' [ 1, 4 ] '. Although a range constant specifies a row vector, Octave does not convert range constants to vectors unless it is necessary to do so. This allows you to write a constant like ' 1 : 10000 ' without using 80,000 bytes of storage on a typical 32-bit workstation. y = [ 0 : 0.1 : 1];

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break statement It is used to exit from a loop.

1 Answers

If you use for i = z when z is a matrix, then i takes the value of the first column of z (6.1101; 5.5277; 8.5186), then the second column and so on. See octave manual: The-for-Statement

If you want to iterate over all elements you could use

z = [6.1101,17.592;5.5277,9.1302;8.5186,13.662]

for i = 1:rows(z)
  for j = 1:columns(z)
    printf("z(%d,%d) = %f\n", i, j, z(i,j));

which outputs:

z(1,1) = 6.110100
z(1,2) = 17.592000
z(2,1) = 5.527700
z(2,2) = 9.130200
z(3,1) = 8.518600
z(3,2) = 13.662000

But keep in mind that for loops are slow in octave so it may be desirable to use a vectorized method. Many functions can use a matrix input for most common calculations.

For example if you want to calculate the overall sum:

octave> sum (z(:))
ans =  60.541

Or the difference between to adjacent rows:

octave> diff (z)
ans =

  -0.58240  -8.46180
   2.99090   4.53180
like image 108
Andy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
