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Iterate ArrayList in JSP

I have two arraylists in my class and I want to send it to my JSP and then iterate the elements in arraylist in a select tag.

Here is my class:

package accessData;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ConnectingDatabase 
   ArrayList<String> food=new ArrayList<String>();

   ArrayList<String> food_Code=new ArrayList<String>();

I want to iterate food_Code as options in select tag and food as values in Select tag in JSP; my JSP is:

<select id="food" name="fooditems">

// Don't know how to iterate


Any piece of code is highly appreciated. Thanks in Advance :)

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Anish Sharma Avatar asked May 06 '13 10:05

Anish Sharma

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1 Answers

It would be better to use a java.util.Map to store the key and values instead of two ArrayList, like:

Map<String, String> foods = new HashMap<String, String>();

// here key stores the food codes
// and values are that which will be visible to the user in the drop-down
foods.put("man", "mango");
foods.put("app", "apple");
foods.put("gra", "grapes");

// if this is your servlet or action class having access to HttpRequest object then
httpRequest.setAttribute("foods", foods); // so that you can retrieve in JSP

Now to iterate the map in the JSP use:

<select id="food" name="fooditems">
    <c:forEach items="${foods}" var="food">
        <option value="${food.key}">

Or without JSTL:

<select id="food" name="fooditems">

Map<String, String> foods = (Map<String, String>) request.getAttribute("foods");

for(Entry<String, String> food : foods.entrySet()) {

    <option value="<%=food.getKey()%>">
        <%=food.getValue() %>



To know more about iterating with JSTL here is a good SO answer and here is a good tutorial about how to use JSTL in general.

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Prakash K Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Prakash K