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Issue Google maps API on iOS 11 with Xcode 9

I'm trying to set a map in a view in my app and I got this problem:

CoreData: annotation: Failed to load optimized model at path '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/35C61A40-48B9-40E0-A6F9-AB7492A15009/simply-convertor.app/GoogleMaps.bundle/GMSCacheStorage.momd/Storage.omo' CoreData: annotation: Failed to load optimized model at path '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/35C61A40-48B9-40E0-A6F9-AB7492A15009/simply-convertor.app/GoogleMaps.bundle/GMSCacheStorage.momd/Storage.omo' CoreData: annotation: Failed to load optimized model at path '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/35C61A40-48B9-40E0-A6F9-AB7492A15009/simply-convertor.app/GoogleMaps.bundle/GMSCacheStorage.momd/Storage.omo'

I add an empty view to my ViewContoroller and change it's type to GMSMapView. And in viewDidLoad method I create a new map from location and init my main mapView:

override func viewDidLoad() {
        placesClient = GMSPlacesClient.shared()
        locationManager.delegate = self
        locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest

        print(location.coordinate.latitude, location.coordinate.longitude)
        let camera = GMSCameraPosition.camera(withLatitude: 31.9650070083707, longitude: 34.7899029677496, zoom: 6.0)
        let map = GMSMapView.map(withFrame: CGRect.zero, camera: camera)
        self.mapView = map

        // Creates a marker in the center of the map.
        let marker = GMSMarker()
        marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 31.9650070083707, longitude: 34.7899029677496)
        marker.title = "Home"
        marker.snippet = "Home"
        marker.map = mapView

what is the problem?

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Omri Shapira Avatar asked Oct 08 '17 17:10

Omri Shapira

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1 Answers

I find my problem.. it appears I misunderstood the initialliztion of a GMSMapView and not initialize it correct..

From other post the CoreData error that I mention is a problem of Google's API and it doesn't affect the app.

like image 114
Omri Shapira Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10

Omri Shapira