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Isn't core.async contrary to Clojure principles?

I have seen many Clojure programmers enthusiastic about the new core.async library and, though it seems very interesting, I am having a hard time seeing how it conforms to Clojure principles, so I have these questions:

  1. It uses mutable state everywhere, as the function names suggest by having an exclamation mark, like alt!, put!, >!, and others. If you put or take a value from a channel, that channel is modified inplace. Isn't it contrary to Clojure philosophy of preferring immutable data-structures, pure functions and so on? Or is core.async made to be used only where mutable things could not be avoided at all?
  2. Since "go" is a macro (thus modifying code structure) and ensures "<!" is used directly in a go-block, it is not possible to use "<!" inside another function, like this:

    (defn take-and-print [c]  (println (<! c)))  (def ch (chan 1)) (>!! ch 123)  (go (take-and-print ch))  Assert failed: <! used not in (go ...) block 

    It seems to me that this prevents simplicity and composability. Why is it not a problem?

  3. Maybe as a consequence of the previous two issues, a lot of code with core.async uses lower-level constructs such as loop/recur instead of map/filter/reduce. Isn't it a step backwards?

Where am I missing the point?

Thanks in advance.

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aeuhuea Avatar asked Aug 13 '13 00:08


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1 Answers

The first concern - yes the core operations are side effects. However channels don't have the problems normally associated with mutable references as they don't represent a "place" - channels are opaque, you cannot inspect them, in fact you can't even query whether a channel is closed or not beyond reading nil.

The second concern - doing anything more than shallow yield would mean whole program transformation. This is a tradeoff and I think a reasonable one. The level of composition is channels not go blocks and they compose just fine.

The final concern, you can easily do Rx style map/filter/reduce operations over channels and people have already done so.

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dnolen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
