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Is WPF getting outdated with arrival of WinUI-3? [closed]

Is WPF getting outdated with arrival of WinUI-3?

When it comes to Desktop Application development, Is it about time to migrate to WinUI-3 completely leaving behind WinForm/WPF legacy ??

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jrk007 Avatar asked Jan 27 '21 07:01


People also ask

Is WPF still relevant 2022?

“WPF would be dead in 2022 because Microsoft doesn't need to be promoting non-mobile and non-cloud technology. But WPF might be alive in that sense if it's the best solution for fulfilling specific customer needs today. Therefore, having a hefty desktop application needs to run on Windows 7 PCs with IE 8.

Is WinUI 3 production ready?

WinUI 3 can be used to build production-ready desktop/Win32 Windows apps.

What is replacing WPF?

Universal Windows Platform. Both Windows Forms and WPF are old, and Microsoft is pointing developers towards its Universal Windows Platform (UWP) instead. UWP is an evolution of the new application platform introduced in Windows 8 in 2012.

Can I use WinUI in WPF?

WinUI 2 is compatible with UWP apps, and WinUI 3 works with any app supported by the Windows App SDK. WinUI 3 can be used directly as the UI layer for desktop apps, or starting next year, it can be used to modernize a Win32 app's UI gradually, using XAML Islands to mix and match with the following technologies: WPF.

1 Answers

This WinUI 3.0 will not obsolete WinForms and WPF at all. Yes, .NET Framework 4.8 will be the last version of .NET Framework, but since we now have WinForms and WPF continuously developed on top of .NET Core, we should not worry.

These are the reasons: (and I think it's proven that WPF and WinForms aren't obsoleted)

  1. WinForms and WPF are actively developed and supported on top of .NET Core since .NET Core 3.0. In .NET 5.0, we have full WinForms designer support in Visual Studio 2019 since 16.8.x, not just WPF on .NET Core since 16.7.x
  2. Microsoft is in the development of evolving Windows desktop application development under one ambitious initiative as technology called Project Reunion. Project Reunion is open source on GitHub. The evolving Windows desktop app also means including WinForms and WPF as well.

See also the Project Reunion README: https://github.com/microsoft/ProjectReunion/blob/main/README.md

NOTE: The Project Reunion is also the umbrella of other Windows desktop UI initiatives/technologies such as WinUI 3.0, XamlIslands, UWP, and many more.

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Eriawan Kusumawardhono Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 02:10

Eriawan Kusumawardhono