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is whenever signal() in react block order dependent?



I have a small program which runs until a SIGINT is received or two lines (press enter twice) from stdin are received. The react block logic is:

react {
    whenever signal(SIGINT) {
        say "Got signal";
    whenever $*IN.lines.Supply {
        say "Got line";
        exit if $++ == 1 ;

Program will exit on two entered lines as expected.

However CTRL-C will not do anything, unless it is followed by a line (enter).

If I switch the order of the whenever blocks, the program is interrupted by a SIGINT but doesn't execute the signal whenever block

react {
    whenever $*IN.lines.Supply {
        say "Got line";
        exit if $++ == 1 ;
    whenever signal(SIGINT) {
        say "Got signal";

Is there some other setup required before using the signal sub? Is the order of whenever blocks important in a react block?


So it seems the lines() call is blocking the react block from executing (thanks @Håkon). I kind of get it.

When comparing to a similar code structure for reading a socket I'm confused though. The presence of data (or lack of) has no effect on the signal handler executing and it can read lines just fine in this example:

my $listener=IO::Socket::Async.listen("",4432);
react {
    whenever $listener {
        whenever $_.Supply.lines() {
            say "Got line";
    whenever signal(SIGINT) {
        say "Got signal";

#testing with:
#   curl http://localhost:4432

Why does this behave so different to my original code?

like image 598
drclaw Avatar asked May 21 '19 06:05


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2 Answers

The order doesn't matter provided the data sources really behave in an asynchronous manner, which unfortunately is not the case here. The Supply coercer on a Seq does not introduce any concurrency, and does immediately try to produce a value to emit on the Supply, which in turn blocks on reading from $*IN. Thus, the second subscription doesn't have chance to be set up; the same underlying issue causes the other problems observed.

The solution is to force the reading to happen "elsewhere". We can do that with Supply.from-list(...), plus telling it we really do want to use the current scheduler rather than its default CurrentThreadScheduler. Thus, this behaves as wanted:

react {
    whenever Supply.from-list($*IN.lines, scheduler => $*SCHEDULER) {
        say "Got line";
        exit if $++ == 1 ;
    whenever signal(SIGINT) {
        say "Got signal";

It's likely this area will be revised somewhat in future Perl 6 versions. The current behavior was well-intended; the design principle was to avoid implicit introduction of concurrency, following the general principle that supplies are a tool for managing concurrency that inherently exists, rather than for introducing it. However, in reality, the lack of concurrency here has probably tripped up more folks than it has helped. (Further, we may look into offering real non-blocking file I/O, rather than building it from sync file I/O + threads.)

like image 133
Jonathan Worthington Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10

Jonathan Worthington

Here is a variant that runs the signal handler (based on this answer), but unfortunately autoflushing of $*IN seems to be turned off:

my $lines = supply {
    whenever start $*IN.lines.Supply {
        whenever .lines { .emit }

react {
    whenever signal(SIGINT) {
        say "Got signal";
    whenever $lines {
        say "Got line: '{$_}'";
        exit if $++ == 1;

Now you have to press CTRL-D to print the lines, and then it print all lines entered as a concatenated string and after that $*IN is closed.. How can I turn on autoflushing for $*IN in this case?

like image 39
Håkon Hægland Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10

Håkon Hægland