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Is using [::-1] in python to reverse a list O(1) space?

So if I wrote:

item_list = item_list[::-1]

Would this be O(1) space? I think that item_list[::-1] results in the creation of a new list, so this might be O(n). Is item_list.reverse() then the proper method to reverse with O(1) space in python?

like image 840
GoBlueDev Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 18:03


1 Answers

You are right that some_list[::-1] creates a new list, and that that list will have n "slots", and thus need O(n) memory.

Furthermore in CPython [GitHub], an interpreter of Python, the .reverse() is done in O(1) memory. Indeed, if we look at the reverse method [GitHub], we see:

/*[clinic input]
Reverse *IN PLACE*.
[clinic start generated code]*/

static PyObject *
list_reverse_impl(PyListObject *self)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=482544fc451abea9 input=eefd4c3ae1bc9887]*/
    if (Py_SIZE(self) > 1)
        reverse_slice(self->ob_item, self->ob_item + Py_SIZE(self));

It thus calls a function reverse_slice, and this is implemented as [GitHub]:

/* Reverse a slice of a list in place, from lo up to (exclusive) hi. */
static void
reverse_slice(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi)
    assert(lo && hi);

    while (lo < hi) {
        PyObject *t = *lo;
        *lo = *hi;
        *hi = t;

It thus works with two pointers, one that iterates in ascending order, and one in descending order, and these "swap" values with each other, until they meet each other halfway.

like image 164
Willem Van Onsem Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 23:03

Willem Van Onsem