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Is this code behavior well-defined?



Here's some C++ code:

#include <iostream>

class A
    int x;
    int y;
    double v;

        A(int x, int y)
            std::cerr << "A("<<x<<","<<y<<")\n";
            std::cerr << "~A()\n";
        operator double* ()
            return &v;

void f(double* val)
    std::cerr << "f("<<*val<<")\n";

int main()

I get the following as output:


I.e. as I'd like it to work. But I'm not sure whether destructor of A must be called after f returns. Is it guaranteed? Can the pointer returned by operator double* () somehow become invalid in the call of f?

like image 579
Ruslan Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 23:03


1 Answers

You are declaring an A object as an actual parameter of f, when you do that, for all effects the new object is like a local variable of f so ~A is guaranteed to be called at the end of f execution.

If f returns the address returned by operator double* () and it is used after f has returned you will be accessing to invalid memory. One way to avoid this situation is making double v static but you have to consider that, in your code, the A class created object only exits while f block is running.

like image 117
Pablo Francisco Pérez Hidalgo Avatar answered Apr 21 '23 02:04

Pablo Francisco Pérez Hidalgo