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Is there something like the effective pom (Maven) in Gradle?



I've started using Gradle several months ago and I sometimes bump into a problem with my build.gradle files. For example if I add something like this to my file:

apply plugin: 'kotlin'

I can't tell what that will expand to. In my case I figured out that it pulls in the java plugin as well and the java plugin itself sets up some configuration. How do I know what these statements will expand to? Do Gradle has something like an effective build.gradle ?

Clarification: what I really wish to know is what each apply plugin X statement does behind the scenes without looking up documentations etc.

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Adam Arold Avatar asked Dec 12 '16 17:12

Adam Arold

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1 Answers

Try gradle dependencies. The output is similar to Maven's mvn dependency:tree.

See docs here: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/inspecting_dependencies.html#example_rendering_the_dependency_report_for_a_custom_configuration

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David Good Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10

David Good