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Is there something like Snoop (WPF) or FireBug (ASP.NET) for Windows Forms? [closed]


I want to point with the mouse on an area in my application and know the name of the UserControl.

like image 762
Erez Avatar asked Feb 14 '10 09:02


People also ask

Does Microsoft still support WinForms?

"We continue to support and innovate in Windows Forms runtime," said Microsoft's Igor Velikorossov last month in announcing what's new for WinForms in . NET 6. He's a software engineer on the dev team for the 19-year-old product, a free and open-source graphical (GUI) class library included as a part of .

Will WinForms be deprecated?

WinForms won't be deprecated until Win32 is ... which could be quite sometime! WPF on the other hand has few direct dependencies on Win32 so could potentially form the basis of a "fresh start" UI layer on a future version of windows.

2 Answers

Hawkeye (seems moved to github) can do that and more. You can see all the properties, fields, events and methods of a control. You can also edit the properties during runtime.

like image 65
jfs Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


I recommend WinSpy++ because its much easier to get hold of then the original Spy++ which comes as part of the Windows SDK.

Just like Spy++ this only works at the Win32 level, of which WinForms is a thin/medium wrapper.

like image 26
Jack Ukleja Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Jack Ukleja