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Is there some STL function to get cartesian product of two C++ vectors?


b =  ["good ", "bad "]
a  = ["apple","mango"]
then output = ["good apple","good mango","bad apple","bad mango"]

I know this can be done with nested for loops but is there some elegant one liner for doing this using C++ STL?

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Abhishek Kumar Avatar asked Jun 09 '16 13:06

Abhishek Kumar

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2 Answers

Here is a one-liner (copied from Jonathan Mee's answer posted here):

for(size_t i = 0, s = a.size(); i < output.size(); ++i) output[i] = b[i/s] + ' ' + a[i%s];

Full example here.

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Innocent Bystander Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 12:10

Innocent Bystander

Given vector<string> a and vector<string> b you can use for_each:

vector<string> output(size(a) * size(b));

for_each(begin(output), end(output), [&, it = 0U](auto& i) mutable {
    i = a[it / size(b)] + ' ' + b[it % size(b)];

Live Example


We've initialized output with enough room to contain every combination of a and b. Then we'll step through each element of output and assign it.

We'll want to use the 1st element of a for the first size(b) elements of output, and the 2nd element of a for the second size(b) elements, and so on. So we'll do this by indexing with it / size(b). We'll want to combine that by iteration through b's elements.

it will move to the next index for each element of output but the indexing needs to wrap or it will be out of bounds when it == size(b), to do that we use it % size(b).


In this question through benchmarking I'd discovered the phenomenon that modulo and division are expensive operations for iteration. I've done the same test here. For the purpose of isolating the algorithms I'm just doing the Cartesian summation on a vector<int> not vector<string>.

First off we can see the two algorithms result in differing assembly. My algorithm as written above requires 585 lines of assembly. 588 lines were required by my interpretation of MSalter's code

vector<string> output(size(testValues1) * size(testValues2));
auto i = begin(output);

std::for_each(cbegin(a), cend(a), [&](const auto& A) { std::for_each(cbegin(b), cend(b), [&](const auto& B) { *i++ = A + ' ' + B; }); });

I have placed a pretty solid benchmarking test here: http://ideone.com/1YpzIO In the test I've only got it set to do 100 tests yet MSalters' algorithm always wins. Locally using Visual Studio 2015 in release with 10,000,000 tests MSalters algorithm finishes in about 2/3 the time it takes mine.

Clearly modulo isn't a great method of indexing :(

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Jonathan Mee Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

Jonathan Mee