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Is there some "Feature Graphic" generator for Google Play? [closed]

I'm looking for some "Feature Graphic" online generator. Feature Graphic is the big image displayed in the web-based Android Market.

It could be something simple and it could look like one for this app: https://market.android.com/details?id=menion.android.locus

I would input screenshots, title and some slogan and it would generate nice feature graphic. I think many Android developers would appreciate such service.

like image 803
David Vávra Avatar asked Apr 10 '11 21:04

David Vávra

People also ask

How do I make a feature graphic for Google Play?

This is easy to do. In the Google Play Console, go to your store listing. In the Graphic Assets section, below your screenshots, you'll find where to add your feature graphic.

Is feature graphic mandatory Google Play?

Feature graphics are images for highlighting Android apps on Google Play. While they are not mandatory, they are highly recommended since they are required for featured placement on Google Play. Even without featured placement, feature graphics offer incredible potential for developers and marketers.

Where is feature graphics in Google Play?

From the Android Google Play guide: "The feature graphic is the first thing your potential users see when they open your app's store listing. On the majority of Android smartphones and tablets, it occupies a third of the screen.

What should I upload in Google Play feature graphic?

Best Practices for Google Play Feature Graphic They need to be able to understand it at a glance. Your feature graphic needs to include a value proposition or core features to connect with users. Your logo is a key aspect of your branding. The Feature Graphic should reflect that.

1 Answers

As of 31st Aug 2014 feature graphic is mandatory and handily there's a generator Created by Litrik De Roy here.

The Android Feature Graphic Generator allows you to easily create a simple yet attractive feature graphic for your Android application. It will generate a PNG image file according to Google's guidelines. Afterwards you can upload the image to the Google Play Developer Console to spice up the listing of your Android app.

like image 89
scottyab Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
