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is there CLR profiler for .NET 4.0 around?




The CLR profiler I downloaded from here link text does not work for my app which is implemented using .NET 4.0. Is there a version for .NET 4.0? Thanks.

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jiangok Avatar asked Dec 04 '10 01:12


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A profiler is a tool that monitors the execution of another application. A common language runtime (CLR) profiler is a dynamic link library (DLL) that consists of functions that receive messages from, and send messages to, the CLR by using the profiling API. The profiler DLL is loaded by the CLR at run time.

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2 Answers

UPDATE: The CLR Profiler for .NET Framework 4 is now available here.

I couldn't find the CLR Profiler for .NET 4.0, but you should be able to use the older version if you set the environment variable: COMPLUS_ProfAPI_ProfilerCompatibilitySetting. For more information see this blog post.

Also note that as of .NET 4.0 the CLR outputs some more information to the Event Log to help you diagnose issues loading profilers. You can easily view these logs with the Event Viewer.

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Colin Thomsen Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 08:10

Colin Thomsen

CLR Profile 4.0 can be downloaded here:


it looks like the installer is 64bit only, but you can unpack it using 7z and the 32bit version is inside the package.

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WalkingCat Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 09:10
