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Is there any way to swap nodes in std::list?



I'm implementing LRUCache, where in unordered_map I store an iterator to list. When I move the most "fresh" element to the head, I need to iterator not changed.

I need to swap exactly nodes, not values in nodes. I'm finding the way to do it.

I tried to do it with std::iter_swap, but it's just implemented as std::swap(*it_first, *it_second)

std::list<std::string> list;

auto it_first = list.begin();
auto it_second = ++list.begin();

std::iter_swap(it_first, it_second);

assert(list.begin() == it_second); 

I need to swap two nodes to passed assert.

like image 458
Ivan Vankovich Avatar asked Aug 16 '19 10:08

Ivan Vankovich

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1 Answers

splice looks like it can do this with something like:

list.splice(it_first, list, it_second);

That says "Splice in it_second from myself (list, the second argument), before the first node in myself". The method guarantees that "the iterators to moved elements remain valid, but now refer into *this, not into other.", which implies the raw nodes themselves are moved.

like image 97
ShadowRanger Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10
