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Is there any way to return from a function from inside a closure?


I have the following simplified code:

fn f() -> i32 {     let a = some_result.unwrap_or_else(|_| {         return 1; // want to return this value from f <-------------     }); } 

I want to return the value 1 from the whole function f in this specific error case but I can't figure out how to do it from within a closure.

If I instead use a match expression, it works fine as follows:

fn f() -> i32 {     let a = match some_result {         Ok(result) => result,         Err(_)     => { return 1; },     }; } 

However, this makes the code verbose since I have the trivial Ok match arm.

like image 626
sshashank124 Avatar asked Aug 26 '18 15:08


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1 Answers

No, there is not.

A closure is a method (a kind of function) under the hood. You are asking for the ability to exit a parent function from an arbitrarily deeply nested function call. Such non-local flow control has generally proven to be extremely bad for programmer sanity and program maintenance.

To solve your problem:

  • How do you unwrap a Result on Ok or return from the function on Err?
like image 195
Shepmaster Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
