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Where is Instruments iOS AutoLayout Tool in Xcode 10?


At WWDC Apple promised to release a new Instruments tool for debugging AutoLayout on iOS. It should be released "later". I couldn't find it in the Xcode 10.0.0 release version. Did I overlook something, or didn't Apple release it yet?

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fabb Avatar asked Sep 24 '18 07:09


People also ask

Where is instruments in Xcode?

If you have Xcode already, you already have Instruments. From Xcode's product menu, choose Profile. Although Instruments is embedded within and is often used with Xcode, Instruments is a separate app which may be used independently as needed. You are free to choose how you start your performance analysis quest.

How do I use instruments in Xcode?

Press Command-I in Xcode, select Allocations from the list and press Choose. After a moment, you'll see the Allocations instrument. It should look familiar because it looks a lot like Time Profiler. Click the record button in the top-left corner to run the app.

What is IOS AutoLayout?

Auto Layout defines your user interface using a series of constraints. Constraints typically represent a relationship between two views. Auto Layout then calculates the size and location of each view based on these constraints. This produces layouts that dynamically respond to both internal and external changes.

2 Answers

The Instruments tool that they are talking about in the video has not been released yet (as of Xcode 11 beta 5).

However, there is already an older Instruments tool which might help you debug Auto Layout on iOS. I tested the tool on an iPhone simulator in Xcode 10.2 and that works. However, I am not sure if it works on an actual device.

Here's how to access it:

  1. Create a new Standard > Blank template.
  2. Click on the + button > search for the Cocoa Layout template.
  3. Once you have the Cocoa Layout template, it is possible to save it as a custom template so that you can access it directly from Custom > Your Template next time.

There is an old but nice tutorial for this tool here.

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aksh1t Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09


You did not overlook anything! Apple did not release it Yet (Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125)).

You can find new release note of Xcode 10 here, in release notes you can see there is no news about addition of AutoLayout tool.

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Muhammad Danish Qureshi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Muhammad Danish Qureshi