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Is there any way to have UI elements slightly overlap (one on top of one another) without using absolute layouts?

Lets say I have a list on screen, which I always want to be usable. I also want a small image or textview to slightly overlap the listview. Is anything this possible without using absolute layout parameters?

I've never seen it in any android app or tutorial, but there are things like this in many iPhone apps. It adds a nice touch.

(Also, I don't have any code to show because I'm not sure where to start)

like image 781
NotACleverMan Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 10:02


1 Answers

Relative Layouts also allow things to overlap. Views declared later in the xml will be on top. I believe that aligning view edges and use of margins should allow you to achieve this affect without great difficulty.

like image 189
Maximus Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 11:04
