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Is there any way to fetch all the responses stored in api slice [RTK Query]?

Here's the hook which returns the data based on the page

    const {
    } = useGetResourceQuery(page, perPage );

here's the api

    export const api = createApi({
        baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
            baseUrl: "http://localhost:3001",
        tagTypes: ["resource"],
        endpoints: (build) => ({
            getResource: build.query({
            query: (page = 1, perPage = 20) =>
    export const {useGetResourceQuery} = api

Is there any way we can extract the state of all the queries? I want to implement pagination based on scroll (infinite scroll) Do we need to update the middleware? or are there any ways to access the state and expose it as a function above, I went through the documentation but couldn't find a solution

I can use local state and concatenate them but wanted to know if it's possible using RTK


like image 874
Avinash Avatar asked Jun 09 '21 17:06


People also ask

Is RTK a query?

RTK Query is a powerful data fetching and caching tool. It is designed to simplify common cases for loading data in a web application, eliminating the need to hand-write data fetching & caching logic yourself.

Is RTK query good?

RTK Query can be added as a middleware and provides powerful React Hooks to help fetch your data. Despite its nascence, it's safe to say that when RTK Query goes into production, it will be a perfect candidate to fetch data in JavaScript apps of all sizes.

Can I use react query with Redux toolkit?

Now you can, by using Redux Toolkit and its latest addition: RTK Query. RTK Query is an advanced data-fetching and client-side caching tool. Its functionality is similar to React Query but it has the benefit of being directly integrated with Redux.

2 Answers

I think most implementations overcomplicate the problem of "infinite scroll" by a lot. You can achieve this by stepping a bit back and thinking about what you really need:

  • the current in-view data
  • a bit extra data into the direction we're scrolling to

Since we are lazy and do not want to track which direction we're scrolling to, just assume

  • the current in-view data
  • a bit extra data into both directions.

Also let's assume the query returns a response like

    offset: 50,
    items: [...]

So assuming one page is big enough to contain all the data for a screen, we'd end up with something like

const currentPage = // something calculated from ScrollPosition

const lastResult = usePageQuery(currentPage - 1, { skip: currentPage === 1 }) // don't fetch pages before 0
const currentResult = usePageQuery(currentPage)
const nextResult = usePageQuery(currentPage + 1)

const combined = useMemo(() => {
  const arr = new Array(pageSize * (currentPage + 1))
  for (const data of [lastResult.data, currentResult.data, nextResult.data]) {
    if (data) {
      arr.splice(data.offset, data.items.length, ...data.items)
  return arr
}, [pageSize, currentPage, lastResult.data, currentResult.data, nextResult.data])

// work with `combined` here

Since requests that are not referenced by your component, will stay in the store for 60 seconds, the user can scroll up quickly through many pages without further requests - but also, data that will probably never scrolled to again will be removed from the cache and simply re-fetched when necessary.

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phry Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 01:11


You can use queryFn to assemble the cached results you already have. remember to use invalidation to get the updated state.

In the following code, the first queryFn is just a fake API, and the second endpoint is the solution you are looking for:

export const songsApi = createApi({
  reducerPath: "songsApi",
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery(),
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    getSongs: builder.query<Result<Song>, { offset: number; limit: number }>({
      queryFn: ({ offset, limit }) => {
        let list: Song[] = [];
        for (let i = offset; i < offset + limit; i++) {
          list.push({ id: i.toString(), name: `Song ${i}` });
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
          setTimeout(() => {
              data: {
                total: 100,
              } as Result<Song>
          }, 1000);
    getAllSongs: builder.query<Result<Song>, void>({
      queryFn: (_, { getState }) => {
        let state = getState();
        let songs: Song[] = [];
        for (let offset = 0; offset < 100; offset += 10) {
          const { data } = songsApi.endpoints.getSongs.select({
            limit: 10
          })(state as any);
          if (data && data.list) {
        return Promise.resolve({ data: { total: 100, list: songs as Song[] } });

interface Result<T> {
  total: number;
  list: T[];
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HassanHeydariNasab Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 02:11
