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Is there any serious project going on using PROLOG? [closed]



   **Is there any serious project going on using** 

(source: atarimagazines.com)

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Sophia Antipolis Avatar asked Jul 02 '10 19:07

Sophia Antipolis

2 Answers

SICStus and LPA Prolog cite selected customer applications that sound very serious, for example:

  • Clarissa, a fully voice-operated procedure browser developed by the NASA Intelligent Systems Division.

  • A dispensation order generation algorithm for Pyrosequencing's sequence analysis instruments, using constraint programming with SICStus.

  • Logistics applications by RedPrairie.



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mat Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 00:10


SWI Prolog claims 10,000 downloads per month, so somebody must be using it for something.

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Robert Harvey Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 01:10

Robert Harvey