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Is there any limitation to distribution of apps in iOS enterprise program?


I know in iOS developer program, a developer can use an ad hoc distribution profile to build an app, and this app is for testing purpose and can be installed on up to 100 devices.

Is there such a limitation for app developed with a Enterprise program account? And since this app is for internal use, does the employee's device need to be configured somehow to use this in-house app?

And is there any technical problem if I distribute the in-house app (for free) to a larger audience via a web link or email? I know this can be interpreted as violation to the Enterprise program, I am just wondering if this is technically doable.

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NeoWang Avatar asked Mar 30 '14 15:03


People also ask

What is enterprise distribution iOS?

The Apple Developer Enterprise Program allows you to distribute your app internally, outside of the App Store, and costs $299 per year. No matter how you plan to distribute the iOS version of your app internally, you must first subscribe to this service, which is mandatory for creating the certificates.

What is the difference between Apple Developer and enterprise program?

Simply put: Apple's Developer Enterprise Program lets enterprises develop and distribute proprietary iOS apps across the company outside of the App Store. So, select this license if you don't plan on submitting your app to the Apple app store and need to restrict downloads to internal employees only.

What are the benefits of enterprise for Apple?

The Apple Developer Enterprise Program allows large organizations to develop and deploy proprietary, internal-use apps to their employees. This program is for specific use cases that require private distribution directly to employees using secure internal systems or through a Mobile Device Management solution.

2 Answers

There is no limitation on how many devices you can install the enterprise app. All you need is properly configured provisioning profile and signing identity and the UDID in the provisioning profile. I do believe you can distribute ad-hoc similarly as with normal iOS developer account, even easier.

There is much information available on StackOverflow already:

  • IOS Enterprise Distribution Through OTA
  • Enterprise distribution of iOS applications
  • iOS Developer Enterprise Program
  • iOS Enterprise Deployment / Expiration
  • iOS enterprise account for distribution
  • iOS Enterprise Developer Program
  • Deploying ios apps wirelessly .Enterprise apps

And many more: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=ios+enterprise

Please read through those first and you will get most of the information you need.

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Legoless Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10


Beginning iOS 9, another important consideration is on first install Apple prompts you with an 'Untrusted Enterprise Developer' prompt. This requires you to go to Settings: General > Profiles and select 'Trust X' for the correct profile.

Not a show stopper. However, an important consideration if you need to do a large distribution as testers need to be informed.

enter image description here

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dpigera Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10
