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typescript MyObject.instanceOf()


All of our typescript classes inherit (directly or indirectly) from:

export class WrObject {     className:string;      public instanceOf(name : String) : boolean {         return this.className === name;     } } 

We then declare a subclass as:

export class Section extends WrObject {     public static CLASS_NAME = 'Section';     className = Section.CLASS_NAME;          public instanceOf(name : String) : boolean {             if (this.className === name)                 return true;             return super.instanceOf(name);         }  } 

And you can then check with:

if (obj.instanceOf(Section.CLASS_NAME)) 

It all works great. However, I think it would be cleaner if we could do:

if (obj.instanceOf(Section)) 

Is there any way to do that? Or any suggestions as to a better approach?

thanks - dave

like image 623
David Thielen Avatar asked Jul 11 '14 20:07

David Thielen

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The instanceof operator can be used to help TypeScript narrow the type of a class object variable. It only works on class structures and not other TypeScript structures, such as interfaces.

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The typeof and the instanceof operator is quite different. typeof returns a type of entity that it's operated on. instanceof of returns true if an object is created from a given constructor and false otherwise. All non-primitive objects are instances of Object , so that'll always return true .

How do you check if an object is an instance of a particular class in JavaScript?

The JavaScript instanceof operator is used to check the type of an object at the run time. It returns a boolean value(true or false). If the returned value is true, then it indicates that the object is an instance of a particular class and if the returned value is false then it is not.

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The instanceof operator tests to see if the prototype property of a constructor appears anywhere in the prototype chain of an object. The return value is a boolean value. Its behavior can be customized with Symbol.

2 Answers

If you are willing to accept the prototypal nature of JavaScript you can just use instanceof which checks the prototype chain:

class Foo{} class Bar extends Foo{} class Bas{}  var bar = new Bar();  console.log(bar instanceof Bar); // true console.log(bar instanceof Foo); // true console.log(bar instanceof Object); // true  console.log(bar instanceof Bas); // false 
like image 183
basarat Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10


You can do it. Just replace your instanceOf implementation with this one:

public instanceOf(cls: { CLASS_NAME: string; }) {     return cls.CLASS_NAME === this.className || super.instanceOf(cls); } 
like image 37
Igorbek Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10
